Generate alerts from Profit

Generate one specific alert or all alerts from Profit.

Generate an alert manually:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Alert / Definition.
  2. Select the alert you want to generate.
  3. Click on: Run.

    Profit asks if you want to generate the alert.

  4. Click on: Yes.

    Profit generates the alert and displays the result in the Generated alerts view. You can also retrieve this view via General / Management / Alert / Show.

Generate all alerts manually:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Alert / Generate.
  2. Click on: Generate.

    Profit asks if you want to generate all alerts.

  3. Click on: Yes.

    Profit generates all alerts and displays the results in the Generated alerts view. You can also retrieve this view via General / Management / Alert / Show.

Directly to

  1. Generate alerts
  2. Test the alert
  3. Solutions for test alerts
  4. Generate alerts from Profit