Authorise dashboard pages in InSite

If you are authorised for the InSite page of a dashboard, you can view the dashboard. To most dashboards, filter authorisation does not apply.

Look at the Available dashboards page to see for which dashboards filter authorisation is applicable. Because in most cases filter authorisation does not apply, it is important that the pages are authorised correctly.


The procedure below is based on the consultancy template. The consultancy template contains default functionalities to which you add the pages to be authorised.

You can also use a different method. That is because based on the activated dashboards, functionalities are created automatically. For example, if you activate the Dashboards Debtors page type, the Dashboards Debtors functionality is automatically created. You can authorise this functionality, for example by adding it to an authorisation role.

To authorise dashboard pages in InSite (consultancy template):

  1. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Configuration / Functionality.
  2. Open the view: Functionaliteiten o.b.v. rollen.
  3. Open the functionality to which you want to add the dashboard pages to be authorised.
  4. Go to the tab: Pages.
  5. Click on: New.
  6. Select the check boxes for the pages you want to authorise.

  7. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Configure Profit BI
  2. Schedule tasks for Profit BI
  3. Activate dashboards in InSite
  4. Authorise dashboard pages in InSite
  5. Include dashboard pages on a site