Configure the composite leave balance in InSite

The employees can view the balance of their composite leave in InSite. Two specific pages are available for this purpose: Mijn verlofsaldi and Medewerker verlofsaldi. The default InSite leave functionality automatically uses these pages.

In the existing pages Mijn verlofsaldo and Medewerker verlofsaldo the composite leave has not been processed and neither have the requests in the workflow. Replace it in your own adjusted site by the pages above.

The leave balance in Profit Windows and the leave card show the balances for the various leave types, instead of the balance of the composite leave type. Profit will only actually distribute the leave hours over the different parts after approval of the leave request. This means that the leave balance in Profit Windows only takes into account the approved requests/cancellations and not the requests that are still in the workflow. A request in the workflow therefore cannot be processed in the balances of the various leave types before the approval.

Mijn verlofsaldi in InSite does show the leave balance for the composite leave, including the leave requests that are still in the workflow. This means there can be a difference between the balances in InSite and the balances in Profit Windows.

More information:

Directly to

  1. Configure statutory and non-statutory (composite) leave
  2. Add leave types for statutory and non-statutory holidays
  3. Configure a composite leave type
  4. Configure statutory and non-statutory leave types
  5. Add the composite Holiday leave type
  6. Recalculate the leave balance via the queue
  7. Configure the composite leave balance in InSite
  8. Configure composite leave with a negative leave balance
  9. Add a leave request in InSite