Adjust the settings

After you have defined the settings for the first time, you can adapt the descriptions and order of levels and scores. You also determine how Profit values are rounded and you select a template to create assessments.

The buttons used to transfer data to the survey generator are important for generating the assessment forms. This will be explained separately.

The description below refers to the selected assessment method:

To adjust the settings:

  1. Go to: HR / Competence management / Configuration / Setting.

    The first time you define the settings this function is restarted automatically.

    Profit shows the competence clusters and competences on separate tabs for information purposes. You cannot change them here.

  2. Go to the tab: Levels.
  3. Adjust the competence level and the descriptions. The new settings will be used throughout Profit, including the assessment forms.

    You cannot change the Value. This determines the hierarchy of the levels.

  4. Go to the tab: Settings.

    Profit shows the settings that you selected when you commissioned Competence Management for information purposes.

  5. In Round upwards from specify how Profit should round the assessment results. This works differently for each assessment method.
    • Assessment method A: Assess the overall competence

      This assessment method rounds the average level. Profit rounds a decimal value upwards from the specified limit value. For example: You have entered a limit value of 0.7. This causes Profit to round an average level of 2.6 to 2.

    • Assessment method B: Assess the competence level

      This assessment method rounds the average scores. The rounding works in the same way as in assessment method A.

  6. Select the Exclude employee score in 'Evaluation score' check box if an employee assesses himself, but his own assessment should not affect the score from the assessment.
  7. Select the template that you want to use for the structure of the assessment form (see the overview below). Which templates are available depends on the assessment method selected earlier.

    With the selected template, you also determine whether you determine competences based on work types. If you do not, link the competences to the role manually.

    How the Properties button works is explained in the section on assessments.

  8. Go to the tab: Scores (assessment method B only).
  9. If necessary, adjust the Score and Score description. The new settings will be used throughout Profit (including the assessment forms).

    You cannot change the Value. This determines the hierarchy of the scores.


Templates for assessment method A: Assess the overall competence:



Assessment role work type/competence level

You link the required competences for each work type. Next, link the work types of this role for each role. The competences of the work types are copied to the role. You specify the required level for each competence.

Role competence assessment

You link the required competences for each role. You specify the required level for each competence.

Assessment role competence matched indicators

You link the required competences for each role. You specify the required level for each competence. You also specify which behaviour indicators must be included on the assessment form for each competence. This method does not get used very often in practice.

Templates for assessment method B: Assess the competence level:



Assessment role work type/competence level

You link the required competences for each work type. Next, link the work types of this role for each role. The competences of the work types are copied to the role. You specify the required level and the required score for each competence.

Competence level role assessment

You link the required competences for each role. You specify the required level and the required score for each competence.

Directly to

  1. Configure competence management
  2. Determine the settings and copy Profit competences
  3. Adjust the settings
  4. Configure competences
  5. Group competences in competence clusters
  6. Add competences per work type
  7. Manage roles