Manage roles

To a large degree, roles are the same as jobs. A role therefore represents - just like a job - the responsibilities, obligations and authorisations of an employee. In Profit you specify the required competences for each role. Each employee has at least one role and should therefore also have (to a certain degree) the competences required for that role.

In Profit roles are based on jobs. In Profit an employee can have only one job (unless the functionality for multiple simultaneous employments is used, which does not happen very often). An employee can, however, have multiple roles. Apart from the roles that an employee has based on his or her job, you can also bear in mind secondary jobs that an employee may have such as being a company emergency response team member or being a member of the personnel association or the works council. The jobs that are present in Profit HR have automatically been copied to roles. For each employee a role has linked based on his job.

Jobs that you have added before commissioning Profit Competence management can afterwards be linked to roles by using the consult code. You can request the consult code from your consultant.


Add roles

If you add a role, you can base it on an existing role. This means that you can copy the work types, competences and behaviour indicators of the existing role to a new role.

You can base a role on another role. This means that you can copy the work types, competences and behaviour indicators of a role to a new role. If you use this option, it is wise to first define the core roles within the organisation and only then the derived (=linked) roles.

If an employee has a role based on his or her job, you can indicate that the employee must be assessed based on another role. You do this in the properties of the employee.


An organisation has multiple employees that are sales representatives. However, some employees are specialised in the sales of a certain product or sales to a certain target group. In that case the employee's job is sales representative, while in fact he can be the sales representative for large accounts. This job name is also often shown on the business card of the employee.

In general the work types and the required behavioural competences will be the same, but the required specific knowledge and skills will be different. In these cases it is recommended to base a role on an existing role and copy the associated work types and competences.

To add roles:

  1. Go to: HR / Competence management / Role.

    In the Roles view, a check mark in the Linked to function column indicates the roles that have been added automatically based on a job.

  2. Click on: New
  3. Enter the general data for the role.
  4. Select if required a role on which you want to base the new role.
  5. Click on: Finish
  6. If you base the new role on an existing role you can copy the work types, competences and behaviour indicators.
Set competences per role

You must specify the required competences and the competence level for each role. You always assess an employee based on his or her role.

Assessments based on work types and linked competences

If you want to assess based on work types, you must first link the required competences for each work type. You specify the required work types for each role. This means that the competences of these work types will be linked automatically to the role. Next, you can specify the level and, if required, the score for each competence.

To set competences per role:

  1. Go to: HR / Competence management / Role.
  2. Open the properties of the required role.
  3. Go to the tab: Work types.
  4. Click on: New
  5. Select the required Integration group and Work type. If you first select the integration group, you can then only select work types for this integration group. Profit will automatically enter the integration group if you start by selecting a work type.
  6. Click on: Finish
  7. Repeat these steps to add all required work types. You can view the competences of the relevant work type in the properties of each linked work type.
  8. Click on: Allocate levels on the Work types tab.

    Profit displays an entry layout with the competences of all linked work types.

  9. Enter the required level and the required score for each competence. The score is only relevant for assessment method B. The field is not shown for assessment method A.


    The competences will also be displayed on the Competences tab, but you must define the levels and scores through the Work types tab as specified above.


    When generating assessments, Profit will only take into account competences of the Behavioral competence or Organisation/Core competence type. In addition the level and score must have been defined.

    Because competences depend on the linked work types, a competence can appear more than once. If you want to assess a 'duplicate' competence once, specify the level and, if required, the score for one competence. If you want to evaluate the competence for every work type, specify the data for each competence.

  10. Click on: Finish

You can check the roles using the Role profiles button in the Roles. You can retrieve a report with all role profiles with this button.

Assessments based on competences (without work types)

You specify the required competences for each role. Next, you can specify the level and, if required, the score for each competence.

To set competences per role:

  1. Go to: HR / Competence management / Role.
  2. Open the properties of the required role.
  3. Go to the tab: Competences.
  4. Click on: New
  5. Select the check boxes for the required competences.
  6. Click on: Finish

    Profit adds the competences to the role.

  7. Click on: Allocate levels.

    Profit displays an entry layout with the competences.

  8. Enter the required level and the required score for each competence. The score is only relevant for assessment method B. The field is not shown for assessment method A.


    When generating assessments, Profit will only take into account competences of the Behavioral competence or Organisation/Core competence type. In addition, the level must have been defined.

  9. Click on: Finish

You can check the roles using the Role profiles button in the Roles. You can retrieve a report with all role profiles with this button.

Directly to

  1. Configure competence management
  2. Determine the settings and copy Profit competences
  3. Adjust the settings
  4. Configure competences
  5. Group competences in competence clusters
  6. Add competences per work type
  7. Manage roles