Set up a leave type (time off in lieu)

You add a leave type for the time off in lieu. Profit uses the leave type to track the time off in lieu balance.

To add a leave type:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.
  2. Open the CLA properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Term of employment.
  4. Open the properties of the term of employment.
  5. Go to the tab: Leave.
  6. Click on: New
  7. Enter the start date.
  8. Select Time off in lieu in Leave type.
  9. Select Time off in lieu in Basic leave type.
  10. Click on: Next.
  11. In Method, select the way the accrued leave can be taken:
    • Leave entitlement (accrual) based on actual costing

      Profit accrues leave entitlement based on hour types for which the Provides leave entitlement check box is selected.. The leave can only be entered via the actual costing.

    • Leave (accruing) based on actual costing, leave (taking) via HR

      Profit accrues leave entitlement based on hour types for which the Provides leave entitlement check box is selected.. The leave can only be entered via a leave request in HR. A leave balance group can be set for this purpose.

  12. Click on: Next.
  13. Determine when the leave balance can be updated using the following fields:
    • Leave accrual based on approved actual costing
    • Time off in lieu claim based on approved actual costing
  14. Select the hour type for taking time off in lieu of time worked.

    When the employee enters hours of this type in the actual costing, Profit will consider this to be time taken off in lieu of time worked. Only the hour type is relevant for taking time off in lieu of time worked, the work type and project are not used.

  15. Click on: Finish
  16. Click on: Yes.

Directly to

  1. Configure time off in lieu
  2. Link the projects period table in HR
  3. Add hour types
  4. Set up leave types
  5. Enter an HR leave entry against actual costing