Add hour types (time off in lieu)

You use separate hour types for the accrual of the time off in lieu balance and for using time off in lieu hours.


Add hour types for the accrual of time off in lieu

All hour types that have been set up as described below, will result in an increase of the Time off in lieu balance.

To add hour types for the accrual of time off in lieu:

  1. Go to:
    • Projects / Project / Hour type
    • HR / Payroll / Configuration / Hour type, if you do not have Profit Projecten.
  2. Click on: New
  3. Enter the code and description.
  4. In Hour type, select one of these values:
    • Overtime
    • Additional work
    • Worked - extra rate
  5. Click on: Next.
  6. Do not select the Provides leave entitlement check box.

    This setting is important for determining the leave entitlement based on the actual costing.

  7. Select Build balance for Processing time off in lieu.

    If you select No processing the time off in lieu balance is not affected by entries using the hour type.

  8. Click on: Finish.
Add an hour type for taking time off in lieu

You add one hour type for taking time off in lieu of time worked. You link this hour type in the properties of the Time off in lieu leave type.

To add an hour type for taking time off in lieu:

  1. Go to:
    • Projects / Project / Hour type.
    • HR / Payroll / Configuration / Hour type, if you do not have Profit Projecten.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Enter TvT as the code and Tijd-voor-tijd as the description.
  4. Select Leave for Hour type.

  5. Click on: Next.
  6. Click on: Finish.
Go to

Directly to

  1. Configure time off in lieu
  2. Link the projects period table in HR
  3. Add hour types
  4. Set up leave types
  5. Enter an HR leave entry against actual costing