View the actual costing of leave

In Profit Projecten, the actual costing lines are in Actual costing per line and Actual costing per week, not in Actual costing per period. This applies to the actual costing of both leave and absence. You can view the actual costing on the Actual costing tab in the properties of the employee.

Actual costing per week details

  • In the Actual costing per week, Profit will not perform any checks on weekly totals etc. when leave lines are transferred to the actual costing.
  • In the case of leave lines in the distant future, the week number in question may not yet exist in Profit. If the employee posts an entry in a certain week for the first time, Profit creates the week number and shows the leave lines.

To view the actual costing of leave per employee:

  1. Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
  2. Open the properties of the employee.
  3. Go to the tab: Actual costing.
  4. Open the view: Actual costing lines (hours).

    You see the actual costing lines of the leave entry if you have linked the leave type to the actual costing.

Directly to

  1. Leave to project actual costing
  2. Add hour types
  3. Configure leave types
  4. View the actual costing of leave
  5. Actual costing lines for leave to Payroll