Link or unlink an employee/position

There is a number of actions you can use to quickly link employees to a position or to undo any existing links.


Link employees to a position

Profit records the new position in the current job line of the employees. This also applies to employees who were already linked to a position: Profit overwrites the old position with the new one.

To link employees to a position:


Changing the position allocation has consequences for the cost allocation in Profit Payroll.

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / Position management.
  2. Select the position.
  3. Click on the action: Linking employees.
  4. Select the employees. If necessary, use a quick filter.
  5. Click on: Finish.

Unlink employees

You undo the link between the position and the employees. This means that the relevant employees no longer have a position.

To unlink employees:


Changing the position allocation has consequences for the cost allocation in Profit Payroll.

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / Position management.
  2. Select the position.
  3. Click on the action: Unlinking employees.
  4. Click on: Yes. This confirms the choice.

Directly to

  1. Position management
  2. Configure an organisation chart
  3. Add positions
  4. Budget a position
  5. Budget multiple positions simultaneously
  6. Link or unlink an employee/position
  7. Link a position to an employee
  8. View positions