Link a timetable cycle per employee

If an employee has a different timetable every week, for example for shifts, or if one week the employee works 5 days and the next he works 4 days, then you link a timetable cycle to the employee. You determine the starting week of the timetable cycle on an employee level.

To add a work timetable:

  1. Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
  2. Open the properties of the employee.
  3. Go to the tab: Timetable.
  4. Click on: New.

    If the Default timetable field has been completed, delete this value first. Then press Tab and the fields will become available.

  5. Select the Variable work pattern and Variable pattern in work timetable check boxes.
  6. Enter the average number of days and hours per week.

    Profit calculates the part-time factor based on the working week in the CLA/term of employment linked to the employee. The working week in the CLA/term of employment shows the default number of hours based on full-time employment. The number of hours per week in the timetable does not necessarily match the average number of hours per week from the linked work timetables. Profit shows a message if these numbers are not the same.


    If in the CLA, you have chosen to complete the part-time percentage, enter it instead of the number of hours. Profit then calculates the number of hours.

  7. Click on: Next
  8. Select the timetable cycle.
  9. Select the week of the timetable cycle you want the employee's timetable to start.

    Use the Example button to check the timetable. Profit will display an example based on the timetable cycle and start week that you choose.

  10. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Work timetable
  2. Configure work timetables
  3. Link a timetable cycle per employee
  4. Add an individual work timetable per employee