Add an individual work timetable per employee
If the configured work timetables do not match the required work timetable at a higher level for one particular employee, you can add an individual work timetable for the employee. You can also add a new work timetable per employee in Profit if the diversity of the various work timetables among the employees is extensive. This is frequently the case in the education sector.
You should not specify an individual work timetable per employee in the following situations:
- Employees work in shifts.
- Employees have a fixed variable timetable per week, for example, an employee works 5 days one week and 4 days the other.
- Employees are linked to a Belgian CLA. In that case, this functionality is not available because the employee can only have one work timetable line for the delivery to the employers' social-accounting secretariat.
The work timetable you specify per employee can only be used for the selected employee. Instead of recording a timetable cycle at a higher level, in this case you can modify the work timetable at the employee level, if necessary.
To add a work timetable per employee:
- Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
- Open the properties of the employee.
- Go to the tab: Timetable.
- Click on: New.
- If the Default timetable field already contains a value, first clear the value. Then press Tab and the fields will become available.
- Select the Variable work pattern and Variable pattern in work timetable check boxes.
- Enter the number of days and hours per week.
Profit calculates the part-time factor based on the working week in the CLA/term of employment linked to the employee. The working week in the CLA/term of employment shows the default number of hours based on full-time employment. The number of hours per week in the timetable does not necessarily match the average number of hours per week from the linked work timetables. Profit shows a message if these numbers are not the same.
If in the CLA, you have chosen to complete the part-time percentage, enter it instead of the number of hours. Profit then calculates the number of hours.
- Click on: Next.
- Click on: New.
- If applicable, specify the number of weeks to generate the new work timetable based on an existing week timetable.
- Click on the action: F5. Select.
Profit automatically generates a description for the work timetable. You can modify the description if you want.
- Enter the required work timetable:
- Enter the number of the week of the work timetable. Each work timetable starts with week 1.
- Select the weekday you want to add the timetable line to.
- Enter the start time, end time, and break time of the weekday.
- Select the 'SV' day check box if you want to count this part of the day as a timetable and worked contract day.
- Select the WTR accrual check box if you want to use WTR accrual.
- Select an hour type. The hour type you select has no direct effect on Profit. You can use the selected value to gain insight into the actual time spent by employees.
- Click on the action: Add weeks if you want to add weeks to the work timetable based on existing weekly timetables.
- Click on the action: Copy timetable cycle if you want to copy a timetable cycle.
You can also use this to copy a timetable cycle from another employee.
- Click on: Finish.
- Use the Example button to check the timetable. Profit will display an example based on the timetable cycle and start week that you choose.
- Click on: Finish.
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