Configure the process for a forgotten password

Visitors to the site can forget their password. If this happens, you can send an e-mail which the visitor can use to reset his/her password.


Set up a mail for a forgotten password

You have a default template you can link to the site, but you can also record a message yourself.

To create a default e-mail message:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Message / Message template.
  2. Click on: New.

    You can also change the Change forgotten password default message.

  3. In Message type, select Change forgotten password.
  4. Enter the description.
  5. Enter the subject for the e-mail, for example: Reset forgotten password.
  6. Enter the text for the e-mail message.

    You can use Tags in both the subject and in the body text of the e-mail. By using tags, you can personalise the message.

    For example, you can add the name of the user as {Salutation}. In that case, in the e-mail message, 'Dear sir/madam' is replaced by, for example, 'Dear Cas de Graaf'.

    More information: Use tags in an e-mail message.

  7. Click on: OK.

Link an e-mail message to a site

You link the e-mail message to your site. Thus, you can send a different message per site.

To link a forgotten password e-mail:

  1. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Site.
  2. Open the properties of the site.
  3. Go to the tab: Message templates.
  4. Select a value for Template (lost password).

    Here you select the message which is sent if the user forgets his/her password.

  5. Click on: OK.

Determine the e-mail address of the user

If a visitor to an OutSite site has forgotten his password then an e-mail message is sent to the e-mail address specified for the person on the Portal access tab.

For InSite, you record the e-mail address in the user properties.

To record a user's e-mail address:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Authorisation tool.
  2. Open the properties of the user.
  3. Go to the tab: General.
  4. Enter the e-mail address.

    If no e-mail address is entered, the user does not receive an e-mail if he has forgotten his password.

  5. Click on: OK..

Directly to

  1. Configure InSite
  2. Browsers supported
  3. Install InSite
  4. Set up the main InSite site
  5. Start InSite using a shortcut
  6. InSite Authorisation
  7. Configuring how to log into OutSite with your own identity provider (single sign-on)
  8. Change the login page
  9. Display photo of logged in user
  10. Configure the process for a forgotten password
  11. Theme editor
  12. Layout and zones
  13. Menu of the site
  14. Configure the site functionality
  15. Document management
  16. Configure input form InSite & OutSite
  17. Profiles
  18. Media gallery