Add an image to a document

If you are the author, you can add an image to a (published) document.

To add an image to a document:

  1. Open the site.
  2. Log on with the username and password.
  3. Click on: OK.
  4. Open the document to which you want to add an image.
  5. Click on the action: Edit.
  6. Click the location in the contents where you want to add the image.
  7. Click on the action: Image.
  8. Select the image.
  9. Click on: Create.
  10. Click on: Publish.

Directly to

  1. Create a document
  2. Create an author
  3. Add a Create document page to a menu
  4. Create a new document
  5. Create a link to a document
  6. Create a file as a document
  7. Adjust a document
  8. Edit the document properties
  9. Add a hyperlink to a document
  10. Add an image to a document
  11. Add an image (extended)
  12. Create a new version of a document
  13. Display an older version of a document