Submit a document

You enter the text of the new document on an InSite page.

To create a new document:

  1. Open the site.
  2. Log on with the username and password.
  3. Open the menu where you can add a document.

    For instance, if you can add documents using the My InSite menu, click My InSite.

  4. Click on: Create document.
  5. Select the document template.

    If the site manager has created different pages for different document templates, you can immediately start the action to create the document. For instance, Create News item document. In that case, you skip this step.

  6. Click on: New document.
  7. Enter the text for the document.

    You can format the text using the ribbon. You can also add plug-ins, for example with your LinkedIn profile.

  8. Click on: Publish.

    You can also just Save the page so you can edit and publish it later.

  9. Click on Yes in the message.

    The authorised readers now see the document in the overview.

Directly to

  1. Create a document
  2. Create an author
  3. Add a Create document page to a menu
  4. Create a new document
  5. Create a link to a document
  6. Create a file as a document
  7. Adjust a document
  8. Edit the document properties
  9. Add a hyperlink to a document
  10. Add an image to a document
  11. Add an image (extended)
  12. Create a new version of a document
  13. Display an older version of a document