Dossier in InSite

The dossier has two applications. You use dossier items to register and archive information and in workflows. When you add a dossier item, the first thing you do is select the dossier item type. Based on your selection, Profit automatically starts a workflow, if necessary.


The dossier functionality is completely integrated with InSite:

  • Employees can view dossier items and attachments to dossier items. An example of an attachment is an invoice (for sales contacts) or a pay slip (for an employee).
  • Employees can record dossier items with information.
  • Employees can submit dossier items to a workflow and track the progress.
  • Employees automatically receive the dossier items they have to complete via the workflow in the My tasks overview.


    You have recorded agreements with a debtor in a PDF file and sent the file as an attachment to an e-mail to the debtor. You have recorded the PDF file as a dossier item for the debtor, so you can always find it again by viewing the debtor.

    If a debtor has a complaint, you record this as a dossier item of the Klacht type. These dossier items are automatically sent to a workflow. The responsible account manager must deal with the complaint.



  • Submit a dossier item

    When you submit a dossier item, you automatically only see the fields that are applicable to this dossier item.

  • View a dossier item and add a response

    You can view a dossier item in InSite and add a response to it if you want to.

  • Link a destination to a dossier item

    You can submit a dossier item using a destination: for example, an organisation/person or employee.

  • Adjust a dossier item type for InSite

    You can change existing dossier item types to make them suitable for use in InSite. You do this in Profit Windows.

  • Add custom fields to a dossier item type

    Profit is a default solution that you can adapt to your needs using a custom configuration. You can easily extend Profit with tables, fields and tabs you define yourself. This also applies to the dossier in InSite.

  • Input forms in the workflow

    If an input form is linked to a dossier item then, in the General part in the dossier item properties, all the fields from the input form are added with the value as they have been entered by the visitor. You cannot change this data.

  • Workflow management

    You can use Workflow management for completing dossier items. You use a workflow to make sure that the dossier item automatically reaches the right person.

Also see