Applicant Self Service

You can use recruitment and selection in InSite and OutSite. Deploy Applicant Self Service for this. This saves you much effort and time because the applicant now enters his own data in Profit.


  • You spend time on the applicants instead of on the administration surrounding the recruitment process.
  • The potential employee is immediately involved through the Application portal.
  • Professional automatic feedback to each applicant prevents frustration and enhances your image.



You can create vacancies in InSite The vacancies and applicants that you record in Profit Windows, can be viewed and changed in InSite. In addition, you can compare the different applications and decide which applicants you want to proceed with and which ones you do not.

Applicant Self Service

You can also use Applicant Self Service. This allows you to conduct the recruitment and selection process in a structured way with as few as possible administrative activities for the HR department.

The objective of Applicant Self Service (ASS) is to provide the maximum possible relief for you as HR employee. This is particularly relevant when you receive many applications.

  • Using Applicant Self Service, the applicant enters his own details using the application portal in OutSite. By visiting the site, he already becomes intensively acquainted with your organisation. Use the portal to profile yourself.
  • Profit copies the data from the application portal to the back office saving you the trouble of entering it. If the applicant is employed then the employee data is largely already entered! This allows you to concentrate on the applicant instead of the administrative red tape.
  • Furthermore, the Application workflow ensures that the applicant ends up in the correct task list. In this way, you can process the applications in a structured way.
  • Next you can of course send a standardised e-mail message (message template) to each applicant quickly and automatically. This allows you to make a professional impression.
  • However, what do you do if you get an e-mail message back that you then have to process in Profit yourself? This results in extra work! For this reason, it is sometimes important, for example, when additional data is required, that you can ask the applicant to come to the application portal in OutSite. The applicant then does the work for you!

With Applicant Self Service, you use the application portal in OutSite and the supplied workflows.



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