Reject an applicant (workflow)

The user identified in the vacancy as Responsible for vacancy reviews the applicant substantively and rejects the applicant. This has been set up in the default Application workflow. You can change this yourself.

There are different ways to reject applicants:

  • Reject applicants collectively via the vacancy

    You do this, for example, after you have taken on one applicant.

  • Reject one applicant using the workflow task.

You always select a message template which is used to inform the applicant.

As soon as you have completed the rejection, the workflow of the selected application is also completed.

To reject applicants collectively via the vacancy:

You can reject multiple applicants at the same time.

  1. Go to: InSite.
  2. Go to: Recruitment and selection.
  3. Go to: Vacancies.
  4. Select the vacancy.
  5. Select the check boxes for multiple applications.

    You can only reject the applicants for whom you are assigned the task of Responsible for vacancy.

  6. Click on the action: Reject.
  7. Select a message template.

    You can now select from all the message templates that you have based on the Application rejection message type.

  8. Select a value for: Reason for rejection.
  9. Click on: Finish.
  10. Enter a response, if required.
  11. Click on: Confirm.

To reject one applicant using the workflow:

  1. Go to: InSite.
  2. Go to: My tasks.
  3. Open the dossier item with the application.
  4. Click on the action: Reject.
  5. Select a message template.

    You can now select from all the message templates that you have based on the Application rejection message type.

  6. Select a value for: Reason for rejection.
  7. Click on: Finish.
  8. Enter a response, if required.
  9. Click on: Confirm.

Directly to

  1. Manage applicants using a workflow (Applicant Self Service)
  2. Review application data
  3. Request more information from the applicant
  4. Link another vacancy
  5. Invite an applicant
  6. Employ an applicant
  7. Reject applicants