E-mailing permission via portal

A user who has access to the portal of a site can give direct permission to receive e-mail via My personal data.

You should first create this mail and link it to the site.


It only makes sense to link to the customer portal if people can actually log on in the portal. For instance, if someone registers using an input form, he does not have to be a user with access to the portal. Persons of this kind can only cancel using a direct link.

Also, in the site properties, the Emailing permitted using my data check box must be selected because otherwise the visitor would not be able to do anything in the portal.

To set e-mailing permission via My personal data:

  1. Go to: the website.
  2. Log on with the username and password.
  3. Go to: My personal data.
  4. Select the Keep me informed check box.
  5. Click on: Save.

To cancel the opt-in:

  1. Go to: the website.
  2. Log on with the username and password.
  3. Go to: My personal data.
  4. Deselect the Keep me informed check box.
  5. Click on: Save.

Directly to

  1. Opt-in on input form
  2. Configure opt-in on input forms
  3. Request e-mailing permission
  4. Confirm e-mailing permission
  5. E-mailing permission via portal
  6. Cancel e-mailing permission
  7. Stop e-mailing permission request