Request e-mailing permission

You can start the Emailing permission action in the properties of a person. This action starts a wizard that takes you through the whole opt-in process.

To request e-mailing permission:

  1. Go to: CRM / Organisation/person / Organisation/person.
  2. Open the properties of the person.
  3. Click on: Emailing permission under Actions.

    Profit now checks whether the mail server has been configured in Profit and whether at least one site is present.

  4. Click on the action: (Re)start request for permission.

    You can start this action if a request has in fact been sent but has not been received, or if someone outside of Profit has asked to be added to the opt-in list (for example by phone).

  5. Click on: Next.
  6. Select the e-mail address to which you want to send the message.

    If no e-mail address is known, you receive a message that Profit cannot start the opt-in process. You must first enter an e-mail address for the person or one of his/her contacts.

  7. If you have defined multiple sites, select the site you want to use to send the invitation.
  8. Click on: Finish.

    You now see a summary of the preceding steps.

  9. Click on: Finish.

    Profit now sends an e-mail to the person.

    For this, the message template you have set up in the properties of the site is used.

Directly to

  1. Opt-in on input form
  2. Configure opt-in on input forms
  3. Request e-mailing permission
  4. Confirm e-mailing permission
  5. E-mailing permission via portal
  6. Cancel e-mailing permission
  7. Stop e-mailing permission request