Place a portal page in a menu

Place the new page directly in the menu. It is then always within easy reach for the Site manager.

A draft page is not accessible for other users, even if it is in the menu. The page will only become accessible after it has been published and approved.

There are also other ways to make a page accessible, for example by using a banner. Thus it is not always necessary to place portal pages in the menu. It depends on the structure of your site.

Place a portal page in a menu:

  1. Click on: Menu in the Site frame.

    Ins_Menu-item toevoegen (15)

  2. Add a menu item.

Directly to

  1. Portal pages in InSite and OutSite
  2. Create a portal page
  3. Place a portal page in a menu
  4. Layout of a portal page
  5. Record the section width and variable width column