Record the section width and variable width column

After you have recorded the section layout, you can record the widths of the sections. You have two options:

  • All sections are equally wide.
  • You set a width per section. In this case, set one section as variable width section. This section will utilise the free space.

Furthermore, you can specify the outside margins per section.

Divide sections:

  1. Open the page.
  2. Click on: Edit (in the Page frame).
  3. Click on: Sections in the Display frame.
  4. Click a section.
  5. Click on: Properties.

  6. For the Filling in section field, specify how you want to use the sections.

    If you set up a specific section as a variable width section then you must record the width of the other sections.

Directly to

  1. Portal pages in InSite and OutSite
  2. Create a portal page
  3. Place a portal page in a menu
  4. Layout of a portal page
  5. Record the section width and variable width column