Approve hours and report them ready using InSite

As a manager, you can approve and report ready the hours and declarations for further processing using InSite. This function is also available in Profit Windows.

As a manager, you approve the actual costing lines if you agree with the lines in question:

  • Once approved, the lines can no longer be changed or deleted, unless you reverse the approval by using undo approval.
  • When approving, Profit will update the leave balances if the actual costing lines give entitlement to leave or if the actual costing lines refer to time off in lieu. This only happens if it has been set up for the leave type.


    If you have a licence that includes Profit HR, you, as a manager, can only approve the hours of employees that you are responsible for. If Profit HR is not included in your licence, you can approve all hours.

To approve hours using InSite:

  1. Open the site.
  2. Log on with your user name and password.
  3. Click on: OK.
  4. Click on: Projecten.

    InSite may have been configured differently for you, in which case the description of the action deviates.

  5. Click on: Approve hours or click on Hours to be approved.

    Approve hours displays a view of all lines still to be approved.

    You see actual costing lines in the view. The selected check boxes in the Approved and Ready columns indicate that these lines have been approved and/or reported ready.

  6. Set a filter to display only lines that still have to be approved.

    Refine the filter, for instance to select all entries for one particular employee or the entries for one particular project.

  7. Click on the action: Open attachment, if you want to view an attachment (declaration) linked to the entry line selected.

    If the check box in the Attachment column is selected, you know that an entry line has an attachment (such as an hour list, a receipt, etc.). If this column is not shown in your view, you can add it by adjusting this view.

  8. Select the check box for the line to be approved by clicking on the field in the first column. You can select multiple lines at the same time.
  9. Click on the action: Approve.

    On this line the Approved check box has been selected and the user name of the employee who has approved the line is shown.

    If you use Hours to be approved, InSite immediately refreshes the view. The lines that have just been approved, are no longer shown. On these lines the Approved check box has been selected and the user name of the employee who has approved the lines is shown.

To report hours ready using InSite:

  1. Open InSite.
  2. Click on: Projecten.

    InSite may have been configured differently for you, in which case the description of the action deviates.

  3. Click on: Approve hours or click on Hours to be reported ready.

    Hours to be reported ready displays a view of all lines still to be reported ready.

  4. Select the check box for the line. You can report multiple lines ready at the same time.
  5. Click on the action: Report ready.

    Confirm that the lines selected should be reported ready.

See also

Directly to

  1. Actual costing/hours in InSite
  2. Enter hours by line in InSite
  3. Enter hours per week using InSite
  4. Enter and change hours for another employee using InSite
  5. Approve hours and report them ready using InSite