Place an image (with hyperlink) on a page

You place an image on a page. You can use an image as a button (hyperlink) by linking the image to an internal page or a URL. If you want to include an image in a document, you use another procedure.

Place an image on a page:

  1. Log on and start Site management.
  2. Open the page to which you want to add an image.
  3. Click on: Edit (in the Page frame).
  4. Click on: Layout in the Display frame.
  5. Click on: New / Image in the Page parts frame.

  6. If required, enter a Title for the image.
  7. Select the Show component frame and title check box if the title of the page needs to be displayed.
  8. Click on: +.

  9. Click on: Select image and select the image.

    If you include the image in a media gallery, you can easily reuse the image on other pages of the site.

  10. Click on: Create.
  11. If you want to place the image on the page as such, you are ready. If required, change the margins and click Create.

    If you want to use the image as a button/hyperlink, select the page (from the current site) or enter an external URL.

  12.  Indicate whether you want to open the linked page in the Current window or in a New window.

  13. Click on: Create.
  14. Drag the image to the correct place on the page.

Directly to

  1. Page management in InSite & OutSite
  2. CMS-editor
  3. Plug-ins
  4. Banner
  5. Add an image
  6. Photo Gallery
  7. Video control
  8. Media gallery
  9. Group page parts
  10. Part from an existing page