Record page components for a mobile site

The mobile site has the same menu structure and portal pages as the standard site. You can optimise the portal pages for the mobile site by disabling unwanted components (in that case, these components are only shown on the standard site). You can also add components that are only shown on the mobile site.

This applies to banners, overviews, text blocks, plug-ins, etc.


The banner on the home page of the standard site has 20 buttons. For the mobile site that is too many.

  • Open the properties of this banner and select the Hide in mobile presentation check box. This page is now not shown on the mobile site, but is shown on the standard site. Visitors of the standard site can still use the buttons.
  • Add a banner for the mobile site. In the properties of this new banner, select the Only show in mobile presentation check box. This page is now shown on the mobile site, but not on the standard site. Place the four most important buttons in this banner, so mobile users will be able to use them on their smartphones.

To set up page components:

  1. You are logged on as site administrator.
  2. Open the page with the page component you want to change.
  3. Click on: Edit (in the Page frame).

  4. Click on: Layout in the Display frame.
  5. Click on the component.
  6. Click on: Properties.
  7. Use the Hide in mobile presentation and Only show in mobile presentation fields to specify how the page component is used. You can select one of the two check boxes.

    If neither check box is selected, the page component is shown on both the standard site and the mobile site.

    On the mobile site, the margins are not used.

  8. Click on: Publish.

To set up overviews:

Overviews are always shown as lists. In the lists, the most important data elements are shown one below the other. Use the Complete content setting to ensure optimal use of the space available on the smartphone. If the search option has been enabled in the overview, a search field is available on the smartphone.

Directly to

  1. Site for smartphones and tablets (responsive design)
  2. Set up a site for mobile applications
  3. Test a mobile site
  4. Record page components for a mobile site