Import a file from AFAS Online

You receive an .AOL file from AFAS Online that you import into Profit. When you import this file, all the fields required to enable access to the OutSite site from Profit are completed.

If you work with your own domain name, after importing the AFAS Online file, you must ask your hosting party to change the website DNS record so that is no longer points to your own IP address but to the IP address of the AFAS Online server. This is required so that the web address references the AFAS Online server.

To import a file from AFAS Online:

  1. Log in to the central log-on environment. The function below is only available in this environment.
  2. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Configuration / Domain.

    This menu option is only available in the Central Login Environment.

  3. Click on the action: Load AFAS Online configuration.
  4. Select the .AOL file you have received from AFAS Online.
  5. Click on: Open.

Directly to

  1. Install OutSite
  2. Import an OutSite licence
  3. Configure the Profit Application Service
  4. Configure the Profit Update Service
  5. Submit an incident for AFAS Online
  6. Import a file from AFAS Online
  7. Add a site
  8. Configure a test site
  9. Configure the authorisation in OutSite
  10. Add a portal user