Submit incident to register OutSite (AFAS Online and local)

If you are running Profit via AFAS Online, you sign the contract for OutSite and submit an incident. In the incident you list the specific data needed for adding your website. You will then receive an .AOL file from AFAS Online which you must import.

To submit an incident about OutSite to AFAS Online:

  1. Go to:
  2. Log on to the customer portal.
  3. Go to: Support Centre.
  4. Click on: Submit incident.
    • Product: Algemeen
    • Versie/build/update: Select the Build and Update you are working with.
    • Omschrijving: Request for OutSite site
    • Mijn incident gaat over: Installatie (OutSite by AFAS Online)
  5. Enter your Participant number in the expanded description.

    The participant number is the first part of your user code. If your user code is, for example, 12345.BKR, your participant number is 12345.

  6. Click on: Submit incident.

To submit an incident about OutSite (only for customers with a local installation):

Follow the procedure above, but you must submit the following information:

  • Participant number

    You can find the number by selecting General / Environment / Management / Information.

  • Details of the Profit Applicatie Service (PAS):
    • URL (format: https://domainname/pas)
    • User name
    • Password
  • If applicable, the site certificate with the password (we do not install root certificates on AFAS Online, meaning, for example, that a Comodo certificate will not be validated on Android devices).

Test site and live website

  • If you do not yet have an OutSite site and have submitted a new request, by default a test site is created on http://[participant number] For example: You can use this test site to quickly get started with configuring and testing OutSite. On the afasonline domain, we do not facilitate any extras, such as multiple virtual paths.
  • You request a domain and certificate yourself, so you can run your site in your own domain. OutSite is the public web page of your company. Of course, you want to use a name that is recognisable to the customer.


    The company is called EnYoi ICT Services. In that case, you would want to use the name or for the website, instead of

  • When you go live, you move the test site to your own domain with your own URL (for example In that case we need an export of the SSL certificates, including the Private Key, of this domain.


    You must supply both the .CRT file and the .PFX file.

  • You add the certificates to the incident so that we can use them to set up the security of your site. We also need your domain name!

    You can read how you do this here:

Directly to

  1. Install OutSite
  2. Import an OutSite licence
  3. Configure the Profit Application Service
  4. Configure the Profit Update Service
  5. Submit an incident for AFAS Online
  6. Import a file from AFAS Online
  7. Add a site
  8. Configure a test site
  9. Configure the authorisation in OutSite
  10. Add a portal user