Authorise product group grouping (InSite & OutSite)

Use the Product group grouping in OutSite and InSite to generate a logical overview of the articles. You first have to authorise this grouping.

Configure authorisation:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Authorisation tool.
  2. Go to the tab: Group maintenance.
  3. Select the group to authorise.
  4.  Go to the tab: Menu.
  5. Go to: General / Order Management / Item / Grouping.
  6. Select the Product group check box.
  7. Go to the tab: Authorisation.
  8. Go to: General / Order Management / Item / Grouping.
  9. Authorise the actions and tabs:

    Out_Groepering Productgroep autoriseren (10)

  10. Authorise the Product group lines tab to be able to delete and add articles in product groups.
  11. Close the Authorisation tool.
  12. Click on Yes in the message.

    De omgeving opent automatisch opnieuw, met de nieuwe instellingen.

Directly to

  1. Configure Logistics in OutSite
  2. Configure OutSite
  3. Authorise Product group grouping
  4. Add product groups
  5. Add articles to a product group (InSite & OutSite)
  6. Activate Logistics page types
  7. Templates for Logistics in InSite & OutSite
  8. Create a Logistics menu item
  9. Create an Article menu item