Create the Logistics menu item (InSite & OutSite)

To do this, add the menu items for sales orders, packing slips and sales invoices to the site as a portal. A logged in user only sees his/her own sales orders, packing slips and sales orders. An anonymous web user does not see this data.

To create a portal page:

In this example, you will create a Bestellingen portal page with submenus for the sales orders, packing slips and sales invoices overview pages. Instead of submenus, you can also 'Link to' these pages.

  1. Log on and start Site management.

    You now add portal page.

  2. Click on: New.

    You do this at the position where you want to add a menu item.

  3. Enter the description.

    In this example Orders.

  4. Select Aanmaken nieuwe portalpagina.
  5. Click on: Next.
  6. Select Product in Page type. This depends on the product group grouping that you have just configured.
  7. Click on: Add

To add a submenu item Sales orders to the Orders portal:

  1. Click on: Menu in the Site frame.
  2. Click on: New after the Bestellingen menu from the example.
  3. Enter the description, Verkooporders for example.
  4. Select Refer to existing page in Action.
  5. Select Product groups (Overview).
  6. Click on: Add.

To add a submenu item to the Orders portal:

In this example, you will add the packing slips overview to the Logistics portal. This same procedure also applies to sales invoices.

  1. Click on: New after the Bestellingen menu.
  2. Enter Pakbonnen as the description.
  3. Select Refer to existing page in Action.
  4. Click on: Next.
  5. Select the Sales orders overview for Page.
  6. Click on: Add.
  7. Open the properties of the Pakbonnen menu item.
  8. Deselect the Show in menu check box.
  9. Click on: Modify.

To check the menu items:

  1. View the menu items as anonymous and as a logged on user.

Directly to

  1. Configure Logistics in OutSite
  2. Configure OutSite
  3. Authorise Product group grouping
  4. Add product groups
  5. Add articles to a product group (InSite & OutSite)
  6. Activate Logistics page types
  7. Templates for Logistics in InSite & OutSite
  8. Create a Logistics menu item
  9. Create an Article menu item