Create the Article menu item (InSite & OutSite)

Add the Article menu item to the site. You can add the article menu item to the My organisation portal for logged in users, and you can also add it as a separate menu item for anonymous web users who can then view your articles.

To add an Article submenu item to the My organisation portal:

In this example you will at a Articles menu item, for example in the portal at My organisation.

  1. Log on and start Site management.
  2. Click on: Menu.
  3. Click on: New after the My organisation menu from the example.
  4. Enter the description, Artikelen for example.
  5. Select Refer to existing page in Action.
  6. Select Product groups (Overview).
  7. Click on: Add.

To check the menu items:

  1. View the menu items as anonymous and as a logged on user.

Directly to

  1. Configure Logistics in OutSite
  2. Configure OutSite
  3. Authorise Product group grouping
  4. Add product groups
  5. Add articles to a product group (InSite & OutSite)
  6. Activate Logistics page types
  7. Templates for Logistics in InSite & OutSite
  8. Create a Logistics menu item
  9. Create an Article menu item