Add a CSS Course

Before you can add a course page on your site, you first need to add the courses that can be taken in Profit Windows.

You can also record the required qualifications when adding a course. This means you indicate which course(s) a participant must have followed to be eligible for registering for a course.

More information:

  • Prior knowledge when adding a course

To add a course:

  1. Go to: CRM / Course management / Course.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Enter the code.
  4. Enter the description.
  5. Complete the remaining fields.
  6. Click on: Next.
  7. Complete the fields.
  8. Click on: Next.
  9. Select the location.
  10. Enter the minimum and maximum number of participants.

    If you selected a location, the maximum is suggested based on what is specified for the location. You can change the maximum for a specific course. This data is included in the occupancy overview.

    During the registration of participants for the course, a check is made against this maximum. If it is exceeded, a message appears, but you still are able to register more participants.

  11. Click on: Next.

    You can still add a remark and an image.

  12. Click on: Finish.
  13. Open the properties of the course..
  14. Go to the tab: Event.
  15. Click on: New.
  16. Select the Auto numbering check box.
  17. Click on: Next.
  18. If required, enter a value for Session date.
  19. Select a value for Day part.
  20. Click on: Next.
  21. Click on: Finish.
  22. Open the properties of the course.
  23. Go to the tab: Confirmation.
  24. Select a value for Invitation.

    Here, you select a course report. This invitation is automatically sent to the participants when they enrol in the course.

  25. Select a value for Message registration.
  26. Go to the tab: In & OutSite.
  27. If applicable, select a value for OutSite Page.

    You can use this page, for example, to show the course material. This material will also be available to the visitor depending on the selection.

    More information:

    Information page with course overview

  28. If applicable, select a value for Profile.

    By linking a profile, you can create a specific registration and conformation page for each course.

    If you do not add and link a profile to a course, the participant sees the default registration page.

  29. Click on: OK.

See also

Directly to

  1. Configure a course in OutSite
  2. Overview of participants to a course event
  3. Specific registration page per course