Detailed example:registering for a fully-booked course event

The example below shows the steps you need to go through so a participant can register him/herself for a fully booked course event.

In this example, a participant wants to subscribe to the fully-booked Cursus EnYoi OutSite event.


  • Add dossier item type which is available to OutSite and may be also be created there. In this example, this is the Contact opnemen met deelnemer Dossier item type. You do not have this dossier item type!
  • Activate the page type linked to the dossier item type in the site properties. In this example we have already done this for you.
  • In addition, we have added the Course EnYoi OutSite course and created a page for this course in the site.

To add an input form:

  1. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Input form / Input form.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Enter the description.

    In this example we enter the description Contactgegevens invullen.

  4. Select Enrol in Type.
  5. Select the subsequent page, for example, the overview page of the Courses.

    You open this continuation page after the visitor has completed the form. You can always select another continuation page.

  6. Select Apply CAPTCHA if you want the user to first type in some displayed words to verify that the user is a human being.

    The tool only appears if Captcha is configured for the site domain in which the input form is applied.

  7. Select the Submit file item when sending form check box.
  8. In this example we link the Contact opnemen met deelnemer dossier item type. You select your own dossier item type here.

    This dossier item type is available for OutSite and InSite.

  9. Where applicable, select a feature group that starts a workflow, if one exists.
  10. Enter a description for the dossier item. You will see this description again in all the forms submitted by the customer. You can also filter on this.
  11. At Attachment, indicate whether an attachment is allowed or mandatory. By default, no attachment is allowed.
  12. Click on: Next.

    Here you see the fields a visitor must complete on the input form.

  13. In Extra options, select how the personal details are identified.
    1. Do not copy, always complete manually: you can use this option to enter someone else's details, for example to enrol him or her for a course.
    2. Copy from logged-in visitor (completion on behalf of another is allowed): you can use this option if it is likely that someone wants to provide his or her own details, but may also enter someone else's details, for instance: Put your company forward for the AFAS Awards.
    3. Copy as fixed value from visitor logged in: you select this option if the logged on-user is only permitted to enter his or her own details, such as: Give your opinion about the website.

    In this example select Copy from logged-in visitor (completion on behalf of another is allowed).

  14. Click on: Finish.

    Profit will now automatically open the Management Tool. For every input form, Profit automatically adds a tab in the Management Tool with the same name as the input form. Thus for each input form you can add tabs and assign custom fields. You can define the custom fields in the Input form table. These fields are available for all input forms, so you can reuse one field.

  15. Close the Management tool.

Link an input form to a course:

Now that the input form has been created, you link it to the Cursus InSite OutSite course so that visitors who wish to register for an event that is already fully booked can complete the input form.

  1. Go to: CRM / Course management / Course.
  2. Open the properties of the course..
  3. Go to the tab: In & OutSite.
  4. Select a value for Page.

    Here you select the page of the course on which you wish to display the input form.

  5. Select a value for Input form for fully-booked event.

    Here you select the input form the visitor has to complete so you can contact him or her.

  6. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Register for a fully-booked event
  2. Add a Registration input form
  3. Registration form for a fully-booked event
  4. Detailed example: register for a fully-booked course event
  5. Registration form for not-logged-on visitors