Course templates

A template is a combination of a data type, a data unit and the behaviour of a page. Default templates come standard in Profit.

In Profit, you also have default templates for courses. Examples of the templates available and what they should be used for are given below.

  • Courses template (basis)

    The Courses template contains a view with pages.

  • Course template (basis)

    The Course template contains the custom layout page for the course and a view with the events for the course. Selecting a line in the events view takes the user to the enrollment page. If a course has two events on the same day, both events are in the view to allow you to see the number of places available (and any other fields fpr events).

  • Participants template

    In the customer portal (or accountancy portal), you can see which other contact persons from your organisation have already taken the course or have registered for the course.

  • Registration template

    In the customer portal, the user can register contact persons from his own organisation for a course.

See also:

  • View templates

Directly to

  1. CSS Course in OutSite
  2. Prior knowledge when adding a course
  3. Register for a course
  4. Confirmation of course registration
  5. Download an invitation
  6. Information page with course overview
  7. Register for a fully-booked event
  8. Registration form for not-logged-on visitors
  9. Register an anonymous participant immediately for a course