Wage component root number

AFAS assigns a root number to each wage component. A wage component without a root number is purple and was created by you or the consultant.

The root number is systematically structured and provides information about the wage component. The number comprises nine positions: ‘xxx.xxx.xxx’. AFAS determines the numbers in the various positions as follows:

  • Position 1

    The first digit of the root number represents the country number. This is 1 for the Netherlands.

  • Positions 2 and 3

    These represent the sector number. For example, 00 is the Basic CLA, 01 is the agricultural sector and 61 is the Government and education sector.

  • Positions 4 and 5

    These represent the CLA sequence number. The first 5 positions therefore already identify the CLA to which the wage component belongs. For example, 101.10 belongs to the ‘Open Teelten’ CLA and 161.01 belongs to the ‘Nederlandse Gemeenten’ CLA. All wage elements belonging to the Basic CLA start with 100.00. These wage elements reoccur in every Profit CLA.

  • Positions 6, 7, 8 and 9

    These numbers specify the wage components in further detail. For example, the pension wage components are all numbered starting from 1XX.XX4.000.

When the root number is used as a filter, only the root number’s digits should be entered. You do not enter the point that is used as a separator.


For the root number 100.000.500 you enter 100000500 in the quick filter.


Whenever you communicate with AFAS about a wage component, always use the root number.

To view the root number of a wage component.

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.
  2. Open the CLA properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Wage component.
  4. Select the wage component.

    Profit displays the root number in the Source no. column.

  5. Open the properties of the wage component.
  6. Go to the tab: Classification.

    Profit displays the wage component’s root number.

To search on a wage component’s root number:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.
  2. Open the CLA properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Wage component.
  4. Enter the root number in the quick filter of the Source no. column. When you filter by a root number, you only enter the digits from the root number, not the point used as a separator.

    Profit displays the wage component.

Directly to

  1. Wage components in a CLA
  2. Classification
  3. Wage component root number
  4. Adjust the description
  5. Display a wage component in the control register
  6. Do not show a wage component in the wage check cockpit
  7. Payment or deduction wage component
  8. Wage component levy type
  9. Gross up a wage component
  10. Terminating a wage component
  11. Calculating a wage component