Adjust the wage component description

You can change the description of the wage component using a customer description. Profit will use this deviating description in the wage check cockpit and on other reports.


Sometimes it may appear that Profit does not display the deviating description on the pay slip. It is possible that you changed the description of a wage component that does not appear on the pay slip, but that, for example, serves as input for another wage component. This is then an entry and a calculation component.


You post the overtime hours to the 'Overuren' wage component.Profit calculates the overtime hours on the pay slip using the 'Overwerk' wage component.

If you enter a deviating description for the 'Overuren' wage component, Profit does not include the deviating description as part of the 'Overwerk' wage component on the pay slip.

If you enter variable wage entries, you can also enter a deviating description.

To adjust the wage component description:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.
  2. Open the CLA properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Wage component.
  4. Open the properties of the wage component.
  5. Go to the tab: General.
  6. Select the Apply customer description check box.
  7. Change the customer description.
  8. Click on: OK.

See also

Directly to

  1. Wage components in a CLA
  2. Classification
  3. Wage component root number
  4. Adjust the description
  5. Display a wage component in the control register
  6. Do not show a wage component in the wage check cockpit
  7. Payment or deduction wage component
  8. Wage component levy type
  9. Gross up a wage component
  10. Terminating a wage component
  11. Calculating a wage component