'IPTO' delivery

You generate the files for the delivery to 'IPTO' ('Integrale Personeelstelling Onderwijs') in Profit. This delivery applies to secondary education.

You generate the files for the 'IPTO' from the yearly 'DUO' delivery.

Select the education delivery:

  1. Go to: HR / Payroll / Digital messages / Educational delivery.
  2. Select the education delivery.
  3. Open the properties of the education delivery.
  4. If the status of the education delivery is Checked, errors , Profit shows the errors you can resolve.

    If the status of the education delivery is Checked, no errors, Profit shows the contents of the premium file. In the premium file, a 'drill down' function is available. That means that you can zoom in on the lines displayed, so the details of a line become visible. This will give you insight in the way the amounts have been calculated for each educational institution.

  5. Click on the action: IPTO (Names).

    You use this action to generate the file for the external party that executes the 'IPTO' at the behest of the ‘OCW’. The moment of delivery depends on the moment of outsourcing and the execution planning.

    You supply this file in this way as the quarterly and yearly 'DUO' delivery.

  6. Click on the action: IPTO (BSN).

    You use this action to generate the file for 'DUO' Groningen. The moment of delivery depends on the moment of outsourcing and the execution planning.

    You deliver the file on a CD-ROM. You send the CD-ROM by registered mail (and protected with a password that you specify yourself) to:

    DUO Groningen

    Attn: Mr D. de Vries

    Kempkensberg 12

    9722 TB Groningen

    You send the password separately to 'DUO' via the e-mail addresses: doede.devries@ocwduo.nl and dwhcc@ocwduo.nl.

Directly to

  1. Quarterly and yearly 'DUO' delivery
  2. Configure an education delivery
  3. Configure an employee for ‘DUO’
  4. Add a delivery
  5. View a delivery
  6. Check a delivery
  7. Generate a file
  8. 'IPTO' delivery