Add an ‘APG’ pension data delivery

You add a pension data delivery if you want to resubmit the last period of the year with RAE entries. You also add a pension data delivery if the employer stops deliveries during the year but you want to redeliver the last delivered period including the RAE entries.

After approving the salary processing, Profit automatically adds a line for the pension data delivery. For an ordinary period, you therefore do not add a pension data delivery in Profit yourself.

To add a pension data delivery:

  1. Go to: HR / Payroll / Digital messages / Pension data deliveries.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Select the last period for the delivery of the client.
  4. Click on: Finish.

    If you have rights for the Check action, Profit immediately checks the delivery.

    If a pension data delivery is already present for the client, year and period with the status Prepared or Sent, Profit generates a replacement delivery.

Directly to

  1. 'APG' pension data delivery
  2. Add an ‘APG’ pension data delivery
  3. Check an ‘APG’ pension data delivery
  4. Prepare an ‘APG’ pension data delivery for sending
  5. View ‘APG’ status and alerts
  6. Solve an ‘APG’ alert