View wage declaration reports

For the purpose of checking the wage declaration, in addition to the digital wage declaration, wage declaration reports and payment reports are available.

In Profit, you can also check the wage declaration digitally.


View a wage declaration report

The wage declaration reports contain data of both the main period and the correction periods. For example, you can use the Loonaangifte rapport - Wg & Mw met Accordering (Profit) report if somebody has to sign for the approval.

In the case of wage declaration reports based on a correction that applies to more than one year, the following exceptions apply:

  • The wage declaration reports only refer to the correction across years.
  • The payment overview does not contain amounts related to corrections across years. For these corrections, the tax authority will impose a separate additional assessment or make a refund.

Each year, AFAS updates the wage declaration reports based on legislation and regulations. Because reports should continue to function for preceding years, AFAS adds new reports for the upcoming wage year at the end of each year. If you select a specific declaration line using the Declaration cockpit and retrieve a report, Profit automatically displays the correct report.

To view a wage declaration report:

  1. Go to: HR / Payroll / Salary processing cockpit.
  2. Select the period line.
  3. Click on the action: Declaration.
  4. Select the declaration line.
  5. Click on the action: Check if you have not performed a check yet.
  6. Click on the action: Declaration report.
  7. Open the report:
    • Loonaangifte rapport - Wg & Mw (Profit)

      The cover page contains an overview of the current collective declaration, including the totals per correction period. It is followed by the collective correction periods (if applicable). The report then shows the current individual declaration for each employee and (if applicable) any corrections.

    • Loonaangifte rapport - Wg & Mw met Accordering (Profit)

      Similar to the above report, but the cover page has a box for your signature indicating approval. After signing, you can send the report to your accountant or administrative office.

    • Wage declaration report - Wg (Profit)

      Only the current collective declaration and correction periods.

  8. Click on: OK.
View a payment report

In Profit you can view the payment report for the wage declaration as soon as you have prepared the declaration. The report shows the total amount that you have to pay per wage time frame. This allows you to compare the amounts you have to pay for each period.

A complete wage declaration for a period can also contain corrections to preceding periods. If you resubmit a complete wage declaration, Profit again includes any corrections sent previously in the new complete wage declaration.

Profit does not use the corrections as they were when the preceding complete declaration was submitted but uses the actual final numbers of the period to be corrected. That is because the final numbers of the period to be corrected may have changed in the meantime. The old corrections are dropped and Profit recalculates the new correction based on the actual final numbers of the period to be corrected.

This report does not include any corrections across years. For these corrections, the tax authority will impose a separate additional assessment or make a refund.

To view a payment report:

  1. Go to: HR / Payroll / Salary processing cockpit.
  2. Select the period line.
  3. Click on the action: Declaration.
  4. Click on the action:Prepare if you have not yet prepared the declaration.
  5. Click on the action: Payment report.
View a cumulative wage declaration report

Using the cumulative wage tax declaration report, you can print the wage tax declaration for multiple periods. For every period and correction period a line is printed. Then a cumulative line for each fiscal year is printed, showing the totals of the above period lines. Below that, a line is printed showing the totals after rounding.

To view a cumulative wage declaration report:

  1. Go to: HR / Output / Payroll report.
  2. Open the report: Cumulative overview of wage tax per processing period 2006-2011 (Profit).
  3. Select the employer.
  4. Click on: Next.

    Profit shows a window with years and periods.

  5. Select the period line.
  6. Click on: Next.
  7. Set the filter.
  8. Click on: Finish.
Go to
Also see

Directly to

  1. Check, view, prepare and send a wage declaration (default procedure)
  2. Check a wage declaration
  3. Resolve messages when checking the declaration
  4. Prepare and send a wage declaration
  5. View wage declaration reports