Add calculation bases for rates

The hourly rates in Profit Projecten are always based on the hour type entered. If the hour type is entered, this is always the first calculation basis for determining the rate; if no hour type is entered then this means that the rate applies to all values which are entered in the customisable calculation bases.


If a single adjustable calculation basis has been chosen for the rates and this calculation basis is the employee, then:

If no hour type is entered in the rate but an employee is entered, then the rate applies to the employee regardless of the hour type.
If both an hour type and an employee are entered in the rate, then the rate applies only to the specific combination of employee and hour type.
If no employee is entered but an hour type is entered in the rate, then the rate applies to the hour type regardless of the employee.

You can add extra calculation bases.

To add extra calculation bases:

  1. Go to: Projects / Management / Settings / Project.
  2. Go to the tab: Rates.
  3. Select the Calculation basis not equal to cost price check box.

    If the Calculation basis not equal to cost price check box has been selected, you can use separate calculation bases for the cost price rates and the sales rates. In addition, you can only enter sales rates if this check box has been selected. If this check box is not selected, you can only specify calculation bases for the cost price rates, and the sales rates are automatically linked to them.

  4. Enter the default cost price per hour. When you add the rates, Profit will suggest the amount entered here.
  5. Enter the default sales price per hour. When you add the rates, Profit will suggest the amount entered here.
  6. Enter the default surcharge percentage that Profit is to use, if you opt to calculate the sales rate from the cost price rate. Profit will suggest this percentage when you record the rates, but you can deviate from this.
  7. Select the first, second and third calculation bases for the cost price rates and the sales rates per hour if you want to use these. In each of these fields you can select a calculation basis from the following options:
    • Employee
    • Dimension 1 to 5
    • Project group
    • Project
    • Work type group
    • Work type

    For the cost price rates as well as for the sales rates you can record up to three calculation bases.

    The three calculation bases you select must be consecutive; you are not allowed to leave Rate calculation basis 1 blank and then enter a Rate calculation basis 2. Profit checks this and will give an error message if the calculation bases have not been entered consecutively. In addition, a particular calculation basis may only be selected once; again, Profit checks this.

    You are not required to actually create rates for all possible combinations of calculation bases which are available based on the calculation bases chosen. For example, you can define a default rate that is based only on the hour type, and then define exceptions (for example, pricing agreements per project). Setting up the calculation bases does not mean that you are then obliged to use these calculation bases.


    If you want to use the custom dimensions, which are indicated here as Dimension 1 to 5, you must first activate the dimensions on the Dimensions tab in the project settings.

  8. Click on: OK.  or on one of the other tabs:

Directly to

  1. Rates
  2. Determine rates
  3. work types
  4. Articles
  5. Configure rates
  6. Determine validity combination for rates
  7. Add calculation bases for rates
  8. Add rates
  9. set up the calculation bases for the rates
  10. View and change rates
  11. Import rates
  12. Projects configuration
  13. Configure the basic master data in Profit
  14. Configure the settings for Projects
  15. Configure the entry of hours
  16. Validity combinations
  17. Custom dimensions
  18. Configure cost estimates
  19. Configure the actual costing
  20. Integration of actual costing and salary processing
  21. Configure teams
  22. Configure project profiles
  23. Configure work in progress
  24. Configure prices including VAT
  25. Calculate a sales price based on an hourly wage
  26. Configure project invoicing
  27. Configure allocation links
  28. Configure the draft invoicing
  29. Configure progress
  30. Configure batch processing (queues)
  31. Configure projects in InSite
  32. Configure projects in OutSite