Authorise work in progress

Authorise the menus and actions for viewing the work in progress period totals and performing actions.

To authorise the menu:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Authorisation tool.
  2. Select the correct user (or group).
  3. Go to the tab: Menu.
  4. Go to: Menu maintenance / General / Projects / Invoicing.
  5. Select the WIP totals check box.

    Follow the procedure below if you want to authorise actions. If not, click on the x.

To authorise actions:

  1. Go to the tab: Authorisation.
  2. Go to: Project / Work in progress / Actions.
  3. Select the actions one by one and then select the Maintain option.
  4. Close the Authorisation tool.
  5. Click on Yes in the message

    De omgeving opent automatisch opnieuw, met de nieuwe instellingen.


    You must also authorise the actions for reporting the work in progress (partially) complete.

Directly to

  1. Configure work in progress
  2. Activate the WIP integration functionality
  3. Add integration accounts
  4. Add an integration type
  5. journals
  6. Link a period table
  7. Authorise menus and actions
  8. Enter start values for current projects