Enter start values

You can enter the WIP start values for current projects. This is only necessary if you think that the entries registered in Profit will not result in a correct determination of the work in progress for that project.

If you are going to use work in progress, you probably already have a number of current projects on which amounts for work in progress have been entered. If you do not enter or import any values, the cumulatives need to be recalculated manually to determine them for the current projects.


It is therefore possible that totals are already getting registered before the initial values are entered. After the period totals have been recalculated, they are again determined on the basis of the entries and possible start values.

To enter WIP start values per project:

  1. Go to: Projects / Project / Project.
  2. Open the properties of a project.
  3. Go to the tab: Startwaarde OHW.
  4. Enter a value in Start date WIP. No entries from before this date are included in the redetermination of the WIP period totals.
  5. Enter a value in Amount on WIP start date. Here you enter the outstanding amount for work in progress on the start date that you have just entered.
  6. Enter a value in Hours on WIP start date. Here you enter the number of outstanding hours on the start date.
  7. Click on: OK.

    You can also import these values.

Directly to

  1. Configure work in progress
  2. Activate the WIP integration functionality
  3. Add integration accounts
  4. Add an integration type
  5. journals
  6. Link a period table
  7. Authorise menus and actions
  8. Enter start values for current projects