View and change the actual costing in Profit Calendar
Under certain conditions Profit Calendar shows actual costing lines as appointments. Profit automatically generates an appointment description based on the data available. The colour of the appointment depends on the appointment type that you have configured and linked in the environment settings.
You can view and change appointments with and without linked actual costing.
If you change an appointment with linked actual costing, Profit automatically updates the appointment from the entry program.
If you change a calendar appointment without a linked actual costing (for example by changing the date or the start and/or end times), the relevant actual costing line does NOT change automatically as well. And conversely, if you change the actual costing, Profit does NOT automatically change the relevant appointment. This means that the start and end times of the appointment can differ from the ones in the actual costing line. Because the appointment and the actual costing are not connected and the calendar appointment already exists, you have to make sure that the times and the dates in the actual costing lines match the calendar appointments.
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View and change an appointment with linked actual costing
You view or change an appointment with linked actual costing.
To view and change an appointment with linked actual costing in Profit Calendar:
- Go to: General / Calendar / Calendar.
- Open the appropriate calendar.
Profit displays the appointments.
You recognise an appointment with linked actual costing by the colour of the appointment (which you have configured for this appointment type). The appointment has the symbol:
. The appointment's description is the actual costing line's description. If this field is blank, the project description is in the appointment.
- Right-click on the appointment and select Actual costing properties if you want to view or change the original actual costing entry.
The actual costing properties only show the actual costing line that belongs to the appointment. You can change this line, but you cannot add a new line.
If you change an appointment with linked actual costing, Profit automatically updates the appointment from the entry program.
- Double-click or right-click on the appointment and select Appointment properties if you want to open the appointment. You cannot change an appointment that has been added to the calendar from another Profit component, such as a leave entry.
- Appointment type contains the value Nacalculatie (or a different value you have set for Actual costing appointment type in the integration of actual costing and calendar).
- Contents shows the organisation address details recorded for the project, among other things.
View and change actual costing without linked actual costing
You view or change an appointment without linked actual costing.
To view or change an appointment without linked actual costing in Profit Calendar:
- Go to: General / Calendar / Calendar.
- Open the appropriate calendar.
You can recognise an appointment without a linked actual costing (not of the actual costing appointment type) by a different colour, the colour that you have set for this type of appointment. In addition, right-clicking will present you with a different menu option: Actual costing, instead of New actual costing or Actual costing properties.
An appointment with linked actual costing, has a radar icon,
, just as absence, leave and courses if you have configured Calendar integration for this purpose.
- Right-click on the appointment and select Actual costing, if you want to view or change the original actual costing entry.
The actual costing properties show the actual costing line that belongs to the appointment. You can change this line. However, if you change the date, the start time or end time of the actual costing line, Profit does not automatically change the calendar appointment accordingly.
- Double-click or right-click on the appointment and select Appointment properties if you want to open the appointment.
If you change the date, the start and/or end time of the appointment without a linked actual costing, the actual costing line is not automatically changed.