View blocked orders

It can happen that you cannot perform a particular action because the quotation, order packing slip, invoice, etc. is blocked. You need first to investigate the reason for the block and then remove it.

Orders can be blocked because:

  • all orders are always blocked
  • the credit limit of the sales contact has been exceeded.
  • the order amount is less than the minimum order amount.
  • the order amount exceeds the maximum order amount.

Each block has it own method of resolution.

To view the reason for blocking and then release:

  1. Go to:  
    • Order Management / Sales process / Packing slip
    • Order Management / Sales process / Sales quotation
    • Order Management / Sales process / Sales order
    • Order Management / Sales process / Invoice.
  2. As an example, select the quotation and click on Release.
  3. Select the entry layout.
  4. Click on: Blocks in the footer of the entry layout.

    You now see, for example, the message that the order amount is more than the maximum amount.

  5. Click on: OK
  6. Depending on the reason why a quotation/order is blocked, you proceed further.
  7. In the footer of the entry layout, click on Release.

Directly to

  1. Sales
  2. Configuration
  3. Sales contact
  4. Prices (Sales)
  5. Discounts (Sales)
  6. Quotation
  7. Sales order
  8. Backorder (Short-supply)
  9. Pending order
  10. Packing slip
  11. Sales invoice
  12. Counter/direct invoice
  13. View blocks