
Sales is about supplying items and/or services to third parties for payment. A sale can take place between two organisations, or between an organisation and a person. The sales process consists of several steps, some or all of which you must go through, depending on your organisation.


In a diagram the sales process in Profit looks as follows:

You add a sales order on the basis of a quotation or basic order. You send the order confirmation to the sales contact. You then copy the sales order to a packing slip. You can pick the order using the packing slip. As soon as the items have been picked, you can report the packing slip ready. You invoice the packing slip you have reported ready. Finally you journalise the invoice to Profit Financieel, which creates an outstanding item. The invoice is then automatically collected or you receive the payment by importing the bank statements.


  • Configuration

    The configuration of Sales consists of the activation of the functionality, the configuration of the sales contacts and the configuration of the order process.


  • Sales contact

    You add (potential) customers you supply goods and/or services to as sales contacts in Profit.

  • Prices (Sales)

    Profit allows you to use different prices for the same item by recording them at different levels.

  • Discounts (Sales)

    You can record discounts on your prices in Profit.

  • Quotation

    In a quotation, you offer products or activities (items) at a specific price.

  • Sales order

    You use an order to sell products or activities (items). By adding an order, you reserve the sold units on the stock. As soon as there is sufficient stock available to deliver the whole order or part of it, you convert the order to a packing slip.

  • Backorder (Short-supply)

    A backorder is a sales order that cannot be (fully) delivered at the time of order entry and therefore has to be delivered later on.

  • Pending order

    A pending order is an order that is not getting delivered yet.

  • Packing slip

    You use a packing slip to deliver products or activities (items) to a sales contact. By adding a packing slip, you write off the sold units from the stock. Once the packing slip has been reported as ready, you can invoice the packing slip.

  • Sales invoice

    Finally, the moment in the sales process arrives when you are going to invoice the sales quotation entered earlier that has been converted to a sales order an then to a packing slip. This is usually the end of the sales process. You can only create or generate invoices from packing slips that have been reported ready.

  • Counter/direct invoice

    You add a Counter/direct invoice to be able to deliver items directly to a sales contact.

  • View blocks

    It can happen that you cannot perform a particular action because the quotation, order packing slip, invoice, etc. is blocked. You need first to investigate the reason for the block and then remove it.

Also see