Allocation link

You can define allocation links for the integration of allocations with Profit Financial.

By allocating subscription invoices in Profit Financial, you gain more insight into the costs and revenues. For this you need to have configured the functionality for allocation.

For each activated axis, you configure how Profit must allocate the subscription invoices. There is some fixed data which you can use to allocate, such as article/integration group, item code, warehouse, etc. You can also allocate by custom fields. In addition, for subscriptions you can also record the allocation code for each axis in the subscription properties.

To add an allocation link for subscription invoices:

  1. Go to: General / Configuration / Integration settings / Allocation link.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Select the axis on which you want to base the allocation in Allocation axis, for example Afdeling or Vestiging.
  4. Select Subscriptions in Link type to set up sales invoice allocation.
  5. In Field, select the field in the invoices and invoice lines on which you want to base the allocation. For example, Vertegenwoordiger.

    Profit then automatically enters the product and table from Profit Financial.

  6. Click on: Finish.
  7. Add another allocation link, for example for sales or purchase invoices, project invoicing and course invoices.

See also:

Directly to

  1. Set up the integration with Profit Financial
  2. Article group
  3. Configure the integration type
  4. Allocation link