Add the journal integration

In order to enter the subscription invoices in the correct journal in Profit Financial, you set up an integration type.

Journal integration via the integration type serves two purposes within Profit Subscriptions:

  • Based in the Counter last invoice field in the journal, Profit determines the numbering of the subscription invoices.
  • Profit processes the subscription invoices when transferring the invoices to Profit Financieel in the selected journal.


    Profit generates invoice numbers in different locations. An invoice number must be unique. In order to prevent different ranges overlapping we give you a number of tips:

    If possible, use the same integration journal for the integration of sales invoices from Profit Order management, Profit Projecten and Profit Subscriptions.

    If nevertheless you use different journals, ensure that the number ranges of those journals can never overlap each other, for example by adding a letter.

    Check that the numbering of the journals in Profit Financieel (purchase journals and sales journals ) cannot overlap with the numbers which Profit automatically assigns in Profit Order management, Profit Projecten and Profit Subscriptions.

To add the journal integration via an integration type:

  1. Go to: General / Configuration / Integration settings / Integration type.

    Sub_Integratiesoort inrichten (10)

    You now see the available integration types.

  2. Click on: New.
  3. Select the integration type.
  4. For transferring subscription invoices to Profit Financieel, select the integration type Subscription invoices.
  5. Select the journal for the integration.

    You can only select a journal of the Sales type. For the credit notes you can select a separate journal, if necessary.

  6. Select how the description of the entry in Profit Financieel should be composed. You can choose from:
    • If you use the Source + description source setting you see as a description in Profit Financieel '[abo] Subscription invoices'.
    • Source + name invoice debtor, which will result in: [abo] Van Kempen Afbouw
    • Source + number invoice debtor + name invoice debtor, which will result in: [abo] 10004 - Van Kempen Afbouw
  7. If applicable, select the Use invoice discount check box if you want to allow a discount on the whole invoice.
  8. Select a value for Account invoice discount if you have selected the Use invoice discount check box. Profit then enters the invoice discount on this ledger account.
  9. Click on: Finish

You can then add article groups for the integration with Financial.

Directly to

  1. Set up the integration with Profit Financial
  2. Article group
  3. Configure the integration type
  4. Allocation link