Example of six-monthly subscription (M6)

In this example you will add a subscription to an invoice cycle for six months (M6). The subscription starts on 1 January of the current year. Profit must invoice from 1 January of the current year. On 2 February you perform an invoice run and Profit must then invoice this subscription.

Subscription with six-monthly invoice cycle (M6):

  • Start date subscription: 1 January of the current year.
  • Start date invoice cycle: 1 January of the current year.
  • Cycle invoicing: Six months.
  • First invoice run: 2 February of the current year.

To add a subscription:

  1. Go to: Subscriptions / Subscription / Subscription.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Select a value for Organisation/person.

  4. Select a value for Type of subscription.

    You can use the subscription type in reporting or to select subscriptions during invoicing.

  5. Complete the remaining fields.
  6.  Add the line:
    1. Select a value for Item type.
    2. Select a value for Item code.
    3. Enter 1 January of the current year in Start date and Invoice from.

    If you now start the invoice run on 2 February of this year Profit does invoice the subscription. The start date of the cycle remains set to 1 July of the current year. You can only invoice the subscription again on (or after) 1 July.

  7. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Examples of subscriptions configuration
  2. Monthly invoice cycle (M1) - first month free
  3. Monthly invoice cycle (M1) - invoice immediately
  4. Monthly invoice cycle (M1) - invoice date late
  5. Monthly invoice cycle (M1) - invoice pro rata
  6. Six-monthly invoice cycle (M6)
  7. Invoice cycle of one year (Y1) - invoice entire year
  8. Invoice cycle of one year (Y1) - first year pro rata, invoice entire year for subsequent years