Example of a yearly invoice cycle (invoice for the whole year)

In this example, you add a subscription with an invoice cycle of one year (Y1), where you invoice the annual amount every year.

The sales contact takes out an annual subscription for your magazine for the whole year. The subscription starts on 1 March of the current year. You immediately invoice them for the whole year in the first month. You always send the magazines on the 15th of the month. You also invoice all subscriptions that can be invoiced on the 15th.

Timing of invoicing: your sales contacts have all became subscribers at different times. You therefore send invoices on a monthly basis, always for an annual amount. In this way, your income are spread evenly throughout the year. The sales contact will get an annual invoice, in the same month each year.


When generating and sending invoices on a monthly basis, make the reference date and the invoice date the same as the day that you invoice. For this example, you change the date so that you can see what happens on a different date.

Subscriptions with an invoice cycle of a year (Y1):

  • Start date subscription: 1 March of the current year.
  • Start date invoice cycle: 1 March of the current year
  • Cycle invoicing: Jaar, the whole annual amount will be calculated on each reference date in the year. In this case, you can only send the next invoice after 1 March of the next year.

    Sub_Voorbeelden inrichting abonnementen_1jr_Geheel jaar factureren (05)

To add a subscription:

  1. Go to: Subscriptions / Subscription / Subscription.
  2. Click on: New.

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  3. Add the subscription for the organisation Alta Projects B.V. (1000215).
  4. Set Start date subscription to 1 March of the current year.
  5. Complete the remaining fields.
  6. Go to the tab: Cycle.

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  7. Complete the fields.

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  8. Add the line with the article.
  9. Click on: Finish.
  10. Add a second subscription.
  11. Set Start date subscription and Start date invoice cycle to 1 June of the current year, Cycle to one year.
  12. Click on: Finish

You now have the following two subscriptions:



You invoice a subscription in the month that the subscription starts. You always invoice the total annual amount. In this example, you automatically invoice in March.

  1. Go to: Subscriptions / Invoicing / Invoices.
  2. Click on the action: Invoice automatically.

    The reference date and invoice date are set automatically to today’s date. You now pretend that today’s date is 15 March.

  3. Select 15 March in Reference date.
  4. Select the same date forInvoice date.
  5. Click on: Next

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    You now see the subscription of Alta Projects, but you cannot see the subscription of Amersfoortse Verffabriek. This is because the latter has not yet started on the reference date

  6. Select the check box for the subscription of Alta Projects.
  7. Click on: Finish
  8. Check the invoice in the view.

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    You see that €120.00 has been invoiced.

  9. Invoice once again, this time with 15 June as the reference and invoice date.
  10. Click on: Next

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    You cannot see the subscription of Alta Projects, because it has already been invoiced. You can, however, see the subscription of Amersfoortse Verffabriek.

  11. Select the check box for the subscription of Amersfoortste Verffabriek.
  12. Click on: Finish
  13. Check the invoice. You see that €120.00 has been invoiced in this case too.

To view a subscription:

  1. Go to: Subscriptions / Subscription / Subscription.

    Sub_Voorbeelden inrichting abonnementen_1jr_Geheel jaar factureren_13

    The view shows that the latest invoice of Alta Projects was on 15 March of the current year. You also see that Profit has changed Begin cyclus to next year. These subscriptions will be included in the invoicing next year, in March and June respectively.

Directly to

  1. Examples of subscriptions configuration
  2. Monthly invoice cycle (M1) - first month free
  3. Monthly invoice cycle (M1) - invoice immediately
  4. Monthly invoice cycle (M1) - invoice date late
  5. Monthly invoice cycle (M1) - invoice pro rata
  6. Six-monthly invoice cycle (M6)
  7. Invoice cycle of one year (Y1) - invoice entire year
  8. Invoice cycle of one year (Y1) - first year pro rata, invoice entire year for subsequent years