
The manager is the person that manages Profit, which is why this person has extensive access to Profit and the administrator mode of Profit. You do not have this option in AFAS Online because AFAS is responsible for the administration.

When you start Profit for the first time after the installation, you add an administrator and an environment. You and your colleagues work in a certain Profit environment: a database containing all data of a business administration unit and the settings. The Profit administrator is the person who manages the application and its environments and (initially) has all rights to them.


Users of AFAS Online do not have access to this functionality, because the application and system administration are performed by AFAS.


The image shows the various administration levels:

Administrator's access to Profit:

  • Administration mode

    Administration of all environments, via Options / Log on as administrator in the login window. For each environment you can set an SQL server, view the status of each environment, convert environments and create and restore backups.

  • Central Login Environment (CLE)

    The CLE contains the login details of all the users and offers a number of extra administration options, such as blocking/unblocking environments and unblocking users. The CLE is also important for registering the login details of all the users in all the environments and for counting user numbers.

You can also perform administrative tasks in regular environments, such as setting up authorisation and custom configuration.


  • Start Profit for the first time and add a Profit administrator

    After the installation, set the administrator of Profit. Next, load your licence and add the first environment.


  • Log on as administrator

    To manage Profit you log on as an administrator. You can log on as administrator when opening an environment.

  • Change the administrator

    The administrator can also record another administrator or change the administrator password.

Also see