Edit an appointment without being the owner

You can authorise users to change any appointments that they do not own. Users without this authorisation can only change appointments that they own.


You want to change an appointment for a user whose employment ended or who is not present.

To change an appointment without being the owner:

  1. Go to: General / Calendar / Calendar.
  2. Select the check box for the user whose calendar you want to view.
  3. Right-click on the appointment.
  4. Click on: Appointment properties.
  5. Change the appointment.

Directly to

  1. Calendar in Profit Windows
  2. Profit Calendar layout
  3. View appointments
  4. Create an appointment
  5. Edit an appointment without being the owner
  6. Accept or decline an appointment
  7. Place dossier items in a calendar
  8. Manually synchronise Profit Calendar