Delete a user token for your own app connector

If a user is no longer allowed to use the app connector, delete the tokens for that user.

A user token is always valid for the combination of an app connector, user and device. If a user can access an app connector using different devices, then he or she has a token for each device for the app connector. You can delete all tokens if the user no longer should have access. If you only want to block a specific device, only delete the corresponding token.

To view the endpoints, see Endpoints for Profit Connectors (SOAP/XML and REST/JSON).


Manually delete a token in Profit
  1. Go to: General / Management / App connector.
  2. Open the properties of the app connector.
  3. Go to the tab: User tokens.
  4. Delete a token if the user is no longer allowed to have access to the app using the device in question.

    If a user should no longer have any access to Profit at all, block the user in General / Management / Authorisation tool.

  5. Click on: Finish.
Test the web service


This method only works with a local installation, not on AFAS Online. Run this call on the Profit application server.

  1. Start Internet Explorer on the Profit application server.
  2. Use a URL from the table.
  3. Click on: 'DeleteToken'.
  4. Enter the token to be deleted.

    Enter the entire token, including the tags, as in the example below:


  5.  Click on: 'Invoke'.
SOAP call

Download an XML example file


  • Token: The GUID of the token you want to delete.

    Enter the entire token, including the tags, as in the example below:


Directly to

  1. Manage the user tokens for your own app connector
  2. Add a user token manually
  3. User requests a token via Profit Web services
  4. User obtains a user token via Web services
  5. Delete user tokens
  6. Manage an app connector